Synthetic grass business for sale Sydney turf supply experts
This is one for the future, with climate change and consumers looking at eco-friendly and water-efficient alternatives this is on the way up.
They have established steady replete work from builders, schools, play centres, and the like.
This company has put resources into research and development to create a product that is natural-looking and environmentally friendly. It offers:
– No watering
– The first choice in Schools and Pre-Schools and Childcare Centres
– Pet-friendly and allergy-free
– Maintenance Free (No Mowing)
– Soft fall certified
– Looks and feels like real grass
– Rent $3809 per month Inc GST and outgoings
– Currently averaging ~ $70k a month in turnover.
After signing a CA, you will be contacted
To get more information on this click here
I am after great businesses like the above to sell. If you own one and are thinking about selling it, talk to me first. I have more buyers than sellers know, which makes it a great time to sell. I offer free consultations, so you have nothing to lose.
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